Why a lawmaker in Japan said that women should not marry after the age of 25

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Why a lawmaker in Japan said that women should not marry after the age of 25
With his recent remarks on increasing the birthrate in Japan, Naoki Hyakuta, the head of the Conservative Party, has provoked controversy.
In a November 8 YouTube video, Hyakuta proposed requiring hysterectomies at 30 and prohibiting women from getting married after 25.
In order to concentrate on parenting, he also suggested restricting women’s access to higher education after the age of 18.

Well known people censure Hyakuta’s comments
Hyakuta’s remarks have been generally condemned for being backward and unfair.
Entertainer Chizuru Higashi said she was sickened, “removing conceptive capacity on the off chance that you have not had a kid by the age of 30 is frightening, even as a joke.”
Sumie Kawakami, a teacher at Yamanashi Gakuin College, referred to Hyakuta’s comments as “a call to savagery against ladies.”

Moderate Party and Hyakuta apologize for questionable comments
The Moderate Party of Japan has likewise straightforwardly censured Hyakuta’s comments.
Joint Administrator Takashi Kawamura apologized for Hyakuta’s benefit to allies and the Japanese public.
Confronting the kickback, Hyakuta pulled out his comments during a discourse in Nagoya, it were speculative and implied as a “sci-fi storyline” to incite conversation to say they.

Creator reprimands Hyakuta’s ‘sci-fi’ protection
Creator Issui Ogawa has pummeled Hyakuta’s endeavor to get over his comments as sci-fi, saying it sabotages their earnestness.
Ogawa said, “I’m a sci-fi essayist and I’m not entertained that the odd thought of eliminating a young lady’s uterus was depicted as sci-fi.”
The debate comes as Japan wrestles with a richness emergency in the midst of a maturing populace and lessening labor force.

Japan’s ripeness emergency and questionable measures
Primer information from Japan’s wellbeing service revealed 350,074 births among January and June 2024, a 5.7% decline from the earlier year.
This proposition comes closely following other censured measures to support marriage and multiplication rates in Japan.
Hyakuta is the writer of the top rated book The Timeless Zero, which was adjusted into a film that celebrated kamikaze pilots in the end long stretches of The Second Great War.

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