Tea leaf pakora: A crunchy charm
Tea leaf pakoras, a storm number one in Assam, include new tea leaves blended in with chickpea flour and flavors like turmeric and red bean stew powder.
These fixings are then broiled until they arrive at a brilliant earthy colored tone.
The crunchy squanders that outcome have an inconspicuous sharpness from the tea, which is perfectly adjusted by the fragrant flavors, making them a totally compelling nibble for some.
Kharika: The tart tea chutney
Kharika, a remarkable chutney from Assam, is made from matured tea leaves.
The planning includes finely crushing these leaves alongside green chilies and garlic.
Periodically, a hint of jaggery is added to present an inconspicuous pleasantness.
This tart chutney goes about as an energetic backup to different dinners, offering an eruption of flavors that fundamentally lift the flavor of even the most essential dishes.
Lahpet thoke: An invigorating plate of mixed greens
Lahpet thoke is a reviving serving of mixed greens with cured or matured tea leaves at its heart.
It joins destroyed cabbage, simmered peanuts, sesame seeds, and lime juice for liveliness.
This nutritious, tasty dish is in many cases appreciated as a starter or with the fundamental dinner.
It grandstands the extraordinary culinary utilization of tea leaves in Assamese food, offering an unmistakable and great taste insight.
Green tea rice: Sweet-smelling staple food
Green tea rice acquaints a great turn with conventional steamed rice in Assamese cooking.
By utilizing water injected with green tea to cook the rice, it acquires a sensitive smell and flavor that is exceptionally engaging.
This dish supplements curries and stews perfectly or can be delighted in all alone, upgraded with a touch of ghee for added wealth and profundity.
Tea leaf idli: A matured treat
By mixing ground Assamese tea leaves into the idli hitter, these steamed cakes procure an interesting, natural flavor.
The maturation cycle upgrades this particular taste as well as advances stomach wellbeing, pursuing it a nutritious decision.
Ideal for breakfast or as tidbits, these idlis pair superbly with coconut chutney or sambar, offering a great culinary encounter.