Aries: You will wander in vain. Fluctuations in health. Moderate profit. Delay in work.
Taurus: Trouble from authorities. Visiting another place a difference in health. Grief with loved ones. Unrest.
Gemini: Mental worry. Recognition in the public sphere. A peaceful atmosphere in the family. You will experience mixed results.
Cancer: Progress in works. Trouble from servants. There is no opposition among friends. Little profit to farmers.
Leo: You will travel far. Be careful while traveling. mental anguish Money spent. Expenditure is more than income.
Virgo: Mars function in the family. Guidance from elders. Real estate acquisition is possible. Fluctuations in health.
Libra: A notable exception. Excessive spending. Shrine visit. Advances in agriculture. being happy with loved ones is possible.
Scorpio: Little progress in business. Strife among friends. An exception occurred. Difference in health. Commuting for work.
Sagittarius: Mental peace. Excessive movement. Recovery in economic conditions. Promotion in employment. Have a happy meal.
Capricorn: Advantage in endeavors. Marriage yoga for unmarried people. Mental peace. Engage in spiritual work.
Aquarius: Famed by the company of gentlemen. You will be interested in good deeds. An unexpected arrival. Trouble from opponents.
Pisces: Help from friends. Good progress in work. money Restless mind. Boredom with stunted development.