Aries: Delay in works. Dinner with a dear friend. Honorable. Peace of mind. Small profit in business.
Taurus: Need to change location. Success in government jobs. Trouble from allies. Vehicle profit. Wandering in vain.
Gemini: You will acquire real estate. Travel abroad, progress in employment. Convenience in action. Spend more money.
Cancer: Land profit. An exception occurred. Hard work pays off. health problem. Decision for a good deed.
Leo: Family welfare. Mental peace. Expenditure is more than income, and performance. Recognition in the public sphere.
Virgo: Trouble from benevolent enemies. Business- Progress in business. Mental peace. Getting help from relatives and friends.
Libra: Change of location. Advances in agriculture. There will be victory in court cases. Chance of persecution from evil. Be careful at work.
Scorpio: Pilgrimage visit, God’s darshan. Overspending, Small monetary gain. Unexcepted blame, Restless mind.
Sagittarius: Mars will be involved in the work. The economic situation will see recovery. Waste of money. Many worries in the mind.
Capricorn: Moderate profit in business. Excessive expenditure. Excessive sleep. Delay in tasks.
Aquarius: There is marriage yoga. High profit for wholesalers. Fear of enemies. Failure at work. Debt relief.
Pisces: Interested in religious work. There is profit in real estate. Premature dinner is possible. Animosity towards others.