Daily Rashiphal / Todays Rashiphal 25 September 2023

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Aries: Lawyers will find advancement in work through self-effort. Arguments can increase from children themselves.

Taurus: You will find a solution to the problem with an open mind. In a surprising way, the detractors will show support.

Gemini: You will avoid losses due to the timely advice of elders. Cash inflows are normal. No joint venture.

Cancer: Impatience in the family for frequent change of decision. Profit for fried snack sellers, and flower sellers.

Leo: Don’t make hasty decisions. Opportunity for women in social work. Solving personal problems.

Virgo: Discuss with friends. You will repay the loan. Income for clothiers.

Libra: Make efforts to consolidate resources. Farmers may be worried about price fall.

Scorpio: Possibility of financial help from unexpected sources. Promotion possibility for space agency employees.

Sagittarius: Likely to get emotional in some matters. Deal with it with some peace of mind. There is peace.

Capricorn: Eliminating confusion through truth-seeking. Be careful with finances. Taking care of children’s health is important.

Aquarius: High income for those with agricultural machinery. A setback for those who fell in love. Advance for foreign businessmen.

Pisces: Possibility of transfer to the desired place. Beware of others who are talking you more.

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