Aries: You will hear words of wisdom from your mother. There may be financial problems. End of the enmity. Profit in agriculture.
Taurus: Profit for clothiers. There is real estate buying yoga. Marriage may be hindered. Expenditure is more than income.
Gemini: Dues will be recovered. Restless mind. Mental peace. Getting recognition in the public sphere.
Cancer: Peace in the family. Success in work. Good respect in society. Help from political figures.
Leo: Good work at home. Peace of mind financial situation is good. Meeting old friends. Introduction of dignitaries.
Virgo: There may be fluctuations in health. The forest of enemies. Praise from well-wishers. High profit in share trading.
Libra: Gain from electronic equipment. Speechless. Grief Confused atmosphere. Laziness
Scorpio: Internal strife. Disease spread. Trouble from allies. Spending on evil. Earnings. Moderate profit.
Sagittarius: Don’t be fooled by flattery. Success in work. Money Interest in good deeds. Shrine visit.
Capricorn: Economic situation will worsen. You will reach the step of success. Harmony in marriage. Betrayal by the faithful.
Aquarius: Help in good deeds. Do not neglect your health. Unnecessary expenditure. Worship Lord Ganesha.
Pisces: Public recognition of politicians. Do not abuse power. Mental distraction. Worship Kalabhairava.