Daily Rashiphal / Todays Rashiphal 17 February
Aries: Don’t worry too much about the future. Little variation in the size of liability by industry sector. Earning everyone’s trust for business success. Increasing popularity of women-led home industry products.
Taurus: Each step should have a specific duration. Steady progress in the industry. Responsible for mentoring junior colleagues. Good time for khadi and village industry projects.
Gemini: Remember that self-confidence and positive thinking are the keys to success. Top talent in the industry. Advancement in industry. Garments, Readymade Garments, Jewellers, Profit beyond expectations.
Cancer: Higher responsibility at work. Increasing popularity of small business products. Advance efforts to take advantage of government schemes. Funding for purchase of household appliances.
Leo: Be satisfied with the achievements, but do not stop the action. Timely guidance to colleagues. Attitude to look after the welfare of employees in own enterprise. Increasing respect in society. Purchase of new machine.
Virgo: Don’t worry about the way of life. Respect for talent and efficiency in the workplace. Success in new agricultural experiments. The Yoga of Hospitality. Business relationship Short travel.
Libra: Don’t run away from problems. Adequate respect at work. Defeat of enemies. Seniors arrive home. Soothes the mind by visiting the nearest divine presence.
Scorpio: Peace of mind and body. Status in the job position. Chance of competition from rivals to the industry. Transfer anxiety for government employees.
Sagittarius: Accomplishment with unrelenting effort. Full cooperation from colleagues. Continued efforts to establish a small business unit. Increased income for khadi garment manufacturers.
Capricorn: Work with balance of mind. Completion of work at the prescribed time in the job position. Improvement of quality level of products of own industry. Increased income for jewelers.
Aquarius: A body and mind that does not shrink from workload. Call of duty from many fields simultaneously. Contribution of help from friends in the social circle. Helping youth in employment.
Pieces: Amidst the pressure of various programs, there is a necessity to focus on many departments. Positive response from government officials. Efforts to set up an agro-based business unit are imminent