Current cryptocurrency prices: Verify the values of BNB, Ethereum, Solana, and Bitcoin.

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Current cryptocurrency prices: Verify the values of BNB, Ethereum, Solana, and Bitcoin.
With a gain of 1.02% in the last day, the price of bitcoin is currently $38,276.65. It has increased from the prior week by 2.41%.
Ethereum, the second most popular token, is currently trading at $2,102.13, up 3.14% from yesterday. It has increased by 1.69% over the previous week.
The market capitalizations of Ethereum and Bitcoin are $252.94 billion and $749.04 billion, respectively.

What about the current state of other well-known cryptocurrencies?
At $229.08, BNB is up 0.32% from yesterday and down 2.47% from the previous week’s close.
XRP has increased by 0.67% over the past day to trade at $0.66. The difference from last week is 1.40%.
The current prices of Cardano (up 0.38%) and Dogecoin (up 3.90%) are $0.33 and $0.088, respectively.

Solana has up 7.48% since the previous week.
The current prices of Solana, Polka Dot, Polygon, and Shiba Inu are $61.12 (up 1.58%), $5.48 (up 5.92%), $0.0000088 (up 1.46%), and $0.77 (up 2.41%), in that order.
Polka Dot has gained 5.73%, while Solana has gained 7.48%, according to the weekly chart.
Over the past seven days, Polygon has gained 0.099% while Shiba Inu has gained 2.1%.

View the top 5 gainers for the day.
After a full day, the top five gainers are Polkadot, Celestia, Helium, Sei, and Immutable. As of right now, their respective values are $7.05 (up 14.78%), $3.17 (up 9.43%), $0.22 (up 7.55%), $1.35 (up 6.76%), and $5.47 (up 5.98%).

What is the current state of the well-known stablecoins?
A cryptocurrency with extremely low volatility is called a stablecoin. Its value is linked to an actual asset, like gold or fiat money.
Speaking of some of the most well-known tokens, their respective markets are trading at $1 (down 0.01%), $0.99 (down 0.01%), and $0.999942 (down 0.01%) for Tether, USD Coin, and Binance USD.

These are today’s top 5 NFT tokens.
Cryptocurrencies that do not have the ability to be traded for one another are known as non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Internet Computer, Immutable, Render, Theta Network, and Stacks are a few of the well-known NFT tokens.
As of right now, their prices are up 0.85% at $4.52, up 0.64% at $1.28, up 8.05% at $3.48, up 6.52% at $1.02, and down 6.09% at $0.66.

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