Aries: Change in daily life. Trouble from opponents. Development in the field of work, earning from iron.
Taurus: Father’s health condition is good. money gain Quarrel with relatives. Difference in health. Visiting elders.
Gemini: Patience is necessary in work. High expenditure on the household. Advantage for women in the medical profession.
Cancer: Visit of dignitaries. Profit in business. Hatred in the family. Stay away from disputes. Fickle nature.
Leo: Will get help from friends. Travel for employment. It’s worth the effort. Stay away from real estate issues.
Virgo: Overspending on purchases. Don’t trust anyone too much. Disagreement in marriage. Pressure on women.
Libra: Take care of your health. Difficulty in work tasks. premature dinner Various problems in the office.
Scorpio: Little profit, high expenditure. Spending on children’s education. oversleeping Banquet with friends. Tiredness.
Sagittarius: Unexpected financial gains. Difference in wife’s health. Pilgrimage Darshan. Relieves stress, anxiety, and fear.
Capricorn: Troubled by evil, beware. Expenditure is more than income. There is also the affliction of enemies. Vehicle repair.
Aquarius: Stressful day for working women. Loss on sales. There is profit in agriculture. Inherited property dispute.
Pisces: Trouble from friends. The enemy is wild. Workmen problem for garment traders. Illness from living in a foreign land.