Daily Rashiphal / Todays Rashiphal 5th November 2023

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Aries: Worried about work and business. Prepare for tomorrow’s work today. visit of old friends. Exchange of ideas on the future of children. Homemaker, happiness for children.

Taurus: Worry about the business undertaken. Meeting with colleagues. New in business Exchange of ideas on inclusion of partners.

Gemini: God believers, you will never be disappointed. Arrival of rare relatives. Future security Long-term planning. Opportunities are available for job seekers.

Cancer: Preparing for tomorrow’s work while reliving the memories of the past. An atmosphere of enjoyment in the house due to the arrival of old friends.

Leo: Start the day with satisfaction with success in work, and business. Visit a relative’s house. Consultation with senior executives on the expansion of business scope.

Virgo: Let holy devotion to God. Let the day begin with a positive thought. Welfare inquiries from relatives. A religious event at a relative’s home.

Libra: Try to stay away from all distractions and feel comfortable with family. Everyone in the house is happy. Progress in the search for a bridegroom.

Scorpio: Opportunity to respect family elders. Glad tidings from a distant son or daughter. Health stable.

Sagittarius: Although it is a day of rest, three-quarters of the day is preparation for tomorrow’s business. The rest of the time is spirituality, meditation, Satsang, and service activities.

Capricorn: A problem that has been bothering you for a few months is easily solved and your mind is at ease.  Everyone at home is in good health.

Aquarius: Thinking of purchasing a car. Preparation for tomorrow’s job, and business-related activities. Celebration of the arrival of the relatives of the house.

Pisces: Start the day in bliss, and peace. Visiting Temples along with family members. Exchange of ideas on the next course of action in a business meeting.

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