Aries: Increase in fame. Progress in works undertaken. Improvement in financial situation. Health will increase.
Taurus: Expected progress in endeavors. Development in government jobs. Health in the family. Opposition among relatives.
Gemini: Meeting an influential person. You will exchange ideas with a loved one in an appropriate manner. Visit of Saints.
Cancer: Health problem. Annoyance at work. The expected profit will come. Disruption in work activities. Remember Ishtadev.
Leo: Expected income in business. Engage in good deeds. Help from allies. Social work donations, Difference in health.
Virgo: Wasteful expenditure. Can cause depression. Dayadi conflict. Even if there is a problem in the work, it is solved.
Libra: Peace of mind. Pilgrimage Darshan. Help from servants. Destroy the enemy. Loss in business. The difference in health.
Scorpio: work useful, Improvement in financial situation. Change of location. Enmity among relatives. Advancement in employment.
Sagittarius: Peaceful atmosphere in the family. Honorable. The financial situation is good. Social work, Good result.
Capricorn: Expenditure is more than income. High turnover. Vehicle trouble. Money Fruit giving day.
Aquarius: Harassment by authorities. Possibility of defamation. The mind is worried. Money Disruption in government jobs. Illness
Pisces: Family welfare. Comfort as a result of effort, temple visit. Gaining respect in the public sphere.